Heat Pumps Articles

What is a Heat Pump?

November 15, 2024
Grandmother and mother kissing son.

Heat pumps are much more efficient, using up to 50 percent less energy than furnaces or baseboard heaters, according to the US DOE.

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Why Buying a Heat Pump Instead of a Furnace Makes Sense

December 15, 2023
Why Buying a Heat Pump Instead of a Furnace Makes Sense. Senior Man And Woman Sit Outside Their House And Smile At The Camera Holding Pot Plant.

Want to heat and cool your South Hills home, fight climate change, and save money—all at the same time?

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Transitioning Your Heat Pump

November 17, 2022
A heat pump sitting outdoors on the side if a home.

As a homeowner, the transition seasons of spring and fall are the perfect times to conduct some basic heat pump maintenance. These simple steps will help ensure your system is ready for the upcoming season.

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